I thought it might be good to share some of the recipes I tried from other sources recently, without modifications, that I found to be really great. You should give some of them a try too!
Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken Wings from Steamykitchen.com. These were awesome, amazing yummy goodness and I can totally understand why she made them one of her favorite recipes.
Chicken with Shallot-Apricot Sauce from CheapHealthyGood This ended up being really good - something a little different with a savory bite from the balsamic vinegar.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic from whiteonricecouple.com. If you've never been into Brussels sprouts before, you haven't tried these. Tangy from the balsamic, and super-easy. These will definitely become a staple in my recipe book!
Golden-Crusted Brussels Sprouts from 101cookbooks.com,
I had some leftover Brussels Sprouts from the recipe before and on the spur-of-the-moment, trying to come up with a veggie to go with dinner tried this out. They were pretty awesome too! Hubby liked these better and I liked the balsamic ones better. Try them both and let me know what you think!
What do you think of this kind of post? Interesting? Helpful? Should I keep doing these?
I want to try the wings recipe, well done!
I added some pecan halves and roasted those with the brussels sprouts. Awesome sweetness to add to that tang and crunch! -Mindy